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Contact: Brian East, CFP®U.S. home values held steady in 2023, even as mortgage rates rose to the highest levels in a generation. What could the current state of the housing market mean for the broader U.S. economy?
The U.S. economy grew in the third quarter of 2023, despite high interest rates and unsettling geopolitical conflict. This article discusses market conditions and economic forecasts for 2024.
This article provides an overview of the changes the SECURE 2.0 Act made and a brief explanation of how to calculate required minimum distributions from tax-advantaged retirement accounts.
Stock market downturns can be rough on a portfolio’s bottom line, but selling losing investments may offer the potential to reduce an investor’s tax liability.
How much would your monthly lease payment be?
How much can you afford to pay for a car?
Use this calculator to determine whether you qualify for the different types of IRAs.
Use this calculator to estimate the cost of your child’s education, based on the variables you input.